Thursday, May 27, 2010


yesterday go watch movie with my friend Max K, watch Robin Hood, really want to "hood" them, i expect is action movie, i expect to see his arrow shooting skill, who know only shoot a few arrows only, can't satisfy me, more like historical movie, like 十月围城, lol, kinda boring as well, but it's still ok for me, before we watch that movie, we go eat McD, talk a lot of stuff, more to construction topic because he is doing that kind of job, after that we go popular to buy some books, saw my 2 primary school classmate at ECM there, computer shop there, cool, they look great, good to see them again...

few days ago play futsal with Ah Huat and Soon Pang, very enjoy and funny game

the team i'm joining now change name from OJFC to UFC already, nice name, they making new jersey as well, anyway, i'm still like cannot fit in their team, it's a big challenge for me because 理念 not same, their 理念 let me think of the last time of us

以前我们的理念就是要赢,赢,赢,除了赢还是赢,没别的了,踢球就是为了要赢球,为了踢球而踢球,也是因为这样,很多时候都一直责备对方踢不好,一直都在检讨别人,有事没事都在讲谁不会踢,一踢就好像XXX酱,也很多时候就好像我老师说的:"为了赢一口气而输了一辈子",我们的友谊花了几年的时间建立起来,因为一粒球不进还是防守不好给别人进就开始骂来骂去了,也顺便互相问候大家的父母,真是搞笑,经过了那么多的风波,我们总算醒过来了,现在输赢已经并不重要了,我们已经看破了(讲到好像要死了酱,讲到好像我们踢到变圣人了酱,lol =.=)因为我们又不是要踢到代表Manchester United 还是 Malaysia 还是自己的 Kampung,只是要过一过瘾,对我们来说,赢当然都想赢,就重要是赢到开心,输了也没事,对我们来说,我们谁都可以输,就是不可以输给自己,问题不在难度而是态度,现在我现在那队好像是要踢到代表关丹去踢酱,也好啦,各有各目标,不过讲真的,他们那队其实真得很厉害,连赢了大概没有30场都有20场友谊赛了,连我和我老朋友的队也是他们的手下败将,他们那个边锋Santiago上一场一个人就进了11球,那班印度人都晕了,我的水准还没达到他们的标准,他们也很严格,我明白的,给他们骂也是自己不够好,其实也蛮伤感情的,还好我的抗压能力还不错,能抵抗这种攻击, 虽然有一点的抱怨但我选择改变, 没有理由要天天都给他们骂的嘛, 只是我一直不明白为什么我每次一进场就很怕了, 信心也一瞬间没了, 平时都不会的但跟他们踢就会酱, 我还在想办法解决着这个问题, 好过我给问题解决掉

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